Show Notes
What is the Trinity? Well, that's a mystery, but what we know for sure is the Love that comes from the Trinity permeates our lives.
Gospel: Jn 3:16-18
What is the Trinity? Well, that's a mystery, but what we know for sure is the Love that comes from the Trinity permeates our lives.
Gospel: Jn 3:16-18
November 15, 2021
Guest priest, Fr. Bert Gohm, reflects on this week's Gospel. He challenges us to look beyond the literal interpretation of the end time Scriptures....
October 21, 2024
In this week's homily, Fr. Rob reflects on the mystery of suffering and the grace that accompanies it. Drawing on his experiences with individuals...
September 26, 2022
We've all known suffering in our lives. What does Jesus' parable about Lazarus tell us about suffering and God's love? Fr. Rob reflects on...