Show Notes
There's no turning back. Once we embrace Jesus and his kingdom, there's only the future to look forward to.
Gospel: Lk 9:51-62
There's no turning back. Once we embrace Jesus and his kingdom, there's only the future to look forward to.
Gospel: Lk 9:51-62
August 15, 2022
Jesus never said being his disciple would be easy. Saying "yes" to Jesus doesn't guarantee everything will be magically wonderful. Fr. Rob reflects on...
June 19, 2023
We are still called to live out the great commission - to share the Good News with everyone we meet. Gospel: Matthew 9:36—10:8
January 08, 2024
Judas and Herod rejected the Good News. How might we embrace the Good New, embrace Jesus and live in the light? Gospel: Mt 2:1-12