Show Notes
Sometimes the truth behind advice or the parables isn't always evident. Fr. Rob breaks open the parable of the sower, and why we shouldn't always be quick to dismiss unsolicited advice.
Gospel:Mt 13:1-23
Sometimes the truth behind advice or the parables isn't always evident. Fr. Rob breaks open the parable of the sower, and why we shouldn't always be quick to dismiss unsolicited advice.
Gospel:Mt 13:1-23
October 21, 2024
In this week's homily, Fr. Rob reflects on the mystery of suffering and the grace that accompanies it. Drawing on his experiences with individuals...
February 26, 2021
Fr. Rob's homily for the First Sunday of Lent.
October 31, 2022
We are all called to conversion. Every single day. Fr. Rob reflects on what this means for us. Gospel:Lk 19:1-10