Show Notes
Fr. Rob's homily for the Fourth Sunday of Easter or Good Shepherd Sunday. God asks us to take the totally selfless gift of God's love and offer it back to the world. The Gospel reading for the week can be found here: John 15:1-8.
Fr. Rob's homily for the Fourth Sunday of Easter or Good Shepherd Sunday. God asks us to take the totally selfless gift of God's love and offer it back to the world. The Gospel reading for the week can be found here: John 15:1-8.
November 13, 2023
Sometimes, seeing God in our lives is like looking at a Where's Waldo book. But, when we look with purpose we find Waldo and...
June 19, 2023
We are still called to live out the great commission - to share the Good News with everyone we meet. Gospel: Matthew 9:36—10:8
May 01, 2023
Fr. Rob might not be familiar with sheep and shepherds, but he knows what it takes to raise and train a dog. Gospel: Jn...